(and here is my staff hard at work)


(hehe, that's for you Melissa)


Hmmmm,  where to start, where to start.  Well, my real name is Russell (or Russ), I'm 20 and I live in Muscatine, Ia.  I'll be mopving to Cedar Rapids or Iowa City in the fall, and if all goes well, I'll be going back to school too.

Big news, I mean very big news.  As of July 6th, 2001, I am a married man.  Yup, there is a Mrs.Russie Pop.  Scary, eh?  Done worry, no Russie pop Jr's running around for a very long time if ever. 

Now, I shall discuss my personality, or lack there of.  In a word, it would be......  Russell.  If you wish for me to be a bit more specific, I can compare my personality to nerd, alternative, goth, freak, coffee shop intelctual, hopeless romantic, artist, poet, comedian, and several other traights that defy the social norm.  I hope that comes close, but if it does not, then let me know.......  I guess Im a pretty easy going person.  I just like to have fun and stuff.  I can be a good person to talk to when needed.  I would have to say that I am a very spontanious person, and I am damn proud of it (even though the legal system doesn't quite appreciate it as I do).  Hmmm, I really dont know what else to say right now, if I've left somthing out, let me know.  And if I think of somthing else, I'll put it on here.

Hobbies..............  I wish I had more, but I don't.  Ok, I'll admit, I do have a few, but it's mostly geek stuff.  I like to read, write and draw.  I like to hang with my freinds.  Which is cool, because some of them have even less to do then I.  I like all that nature stuff when weater permits and I actually feel like leaving the in doors.  I listen to music constantly.  It's pretty much my life.  I occasionally do stuff with bands, but I no longer have anything to play, so there goes that.  But soon I will (Melissa, you know what I'm talking about).  Of course, the obvious, I'm a computer nerd.  Not totally, but it passes the time.  Well, another hobby of mine is Melissa....................  'nuf said.  (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more)

Ok, now it's time for the "Top 10" thing..........


1.Anything by Ed Poe

2.The Hitchhikers' Guide series

3.The James O'Barr Crow comics

4.Ziggy comics

5.anything by Sig Freud

6.Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee, and all thoes comics

7.Mad mag

8.Anything on Irish history (yup, its my people)

9.Stephen King books

10.and all the Vampire:Mascarade books



1.The Beatles ('nuf said)


3.Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies

4.Smashing Pumpkins



7.Japanies candy pop

8.Def Tones

9.The Monkees




1.Ghost in the Shell

2.Monty Python movies

3.Loser (what can I say, I can relate to the little guy)

4.The Cell

5.Clockwork Orange


7.all Star Wars movies

8.any Troma title

9.The Last Picture Show

10.all the Beatles movies

(well, Im like getting bore, so Im gonna quit for now............  stay tuned for more to come)

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